Make Happy Work™


An interactive workshop introducing the key elements of happiness as a business model and delivering the framework for building a values-based culture.

An interactive workshop introducing the key elements of happiness as a business model and delivering the framework for building a values-based culture.

„Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.”
Tony Hsieh former CEO

In partnership with Delivering Happiness,

BeingMore is happy to invite you for an interactive workshop that leads you through the first steps for building a values-based culture​ in a sustainable way.


After the workshop participants will leave with

  • an understanding of the impact happiness has on the business
    and people’s personal lives;
  • tools to begin building a WOW culture;
  • implementation strategies and success stories;
  • and most importantly, with a vision for the journey to happiness at work.


Workshop topics include:

  • Happiness Through Science – understand the science of happiness, from its beginnings to how it’s driving business in organizations today;
  • The Three Levers of Motivation – learn to increase employee motivation through an understanding of how control, connectedness, and progress impact employee engagement;
  • Culture Starts With Values; Values Start With ME – uncover your team members’ personal values, and begin to build culture organically;
  • Purpose Beyond Profits – define the linkage between individual and company purpose, and how both play into creating sustainable results.

The workshop will be delivered by Carlos Piera Serra, Co-founder of Delivering Happiness, CEO of Delivering Happiness Spain.

The workshop takes place on the 20th of October between 9:00-12:00 followed by networking. The language of the workshop is English.

Venue of the workshop: EDUTUS Ház – Falk1 Rendezvényközpont, 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 1.

Fee for participating is HUF 35.000 + VAT.

If you are interested please register via the form below.

Looking forward to welcoming you at the workshop!

The BeingMore Team

Please provide information for all of the below boxes to register successfully. Thank you.

A sikeres regisztráció érdekében kérjük teljeskörűen töltse ki az alábbi regisztrációs űrlapot. Köszönjük!

Registration form / Regisztrációs űrlap

I agree that BeingMore Kft – according to its GDPR policy – will handle my data shared via the registration process (company name, title and name of participants, email address and telephone number. / Hozzájárulok ahhoz, hogy a regisztrációkor megadott cégnevet, cégformát, résztvevő nevét, titulusát, emailcímét és telefonszámát a BeingMore Kft. az Adatkezelési tájékoztatóiban foglaltak szerint kezelje.

© BeingMore Kft. | Established in 2019 | Founders: László Györgyi PhD, Nándor Mákos | Headquarters: 8096 Sukoró Halastófolyás utca 37. | Company registration number: 07-09-030077 | Tax number: 26756079-2-07 | Adatvédelmi tájékoztató

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